European Dev Days 2016
EUDEVDAYS – Bilateral Meeting in 2016.
Habillage complet des 98 stands « Village »
Signalétique complète de l’événement.
Production des 6000 catalogues et autres communication.
a small clik for you, a big effect for us

Ban Ki-Moon visiting the UN stand
Ban Ki-Moon visiting the UN stand @ European Dev Days.
Digital printing for decoration of 90 Stand of Village

Meeting Room – Ban Ki-Moon and Uhuru Kenyatta
Bilateral Meeting Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General, United Nations
Uhuru Kenyatta.
Foto call en arrière plan

Journée du développement Auditorium
Journée du développement Auditorium. Fond de scène avec Impression Quadri sur bâche pvc Mat afin de ne pas avoir de reflets dans captage Vidéo et photographes.
Il faut toujoiurs trouver compromis entre budget et efficacité

Registration desk
European Development Days - Registration desk

Hip Hop Shakespeare in the Horn of Africa
European Development Days - Hip Hop Shakespeare in the Horn of Africa © European Union

EDD16 Logistic support
EDD16 Logistic support

Eudevdays Signalétique
European Development Days - Signaletique

HM Mathilde, the Queen of Belgians
20160616 - Brussels , Belgium - 2016 June 16th - European Development Days - Special address from Her Majesty Mathilde the Queen of Belgians - HM Mathilde, the Queen of Belgians

EDD Opening Ceremony
20160615 - Brussels , Belgium - 2016 June 15th - European Development Days - Opening Ceremony © European Union

Eudevdays Events signs
European Development Days - Strengthening multistakeholder partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals


Ban Ki-Moon and Uhuru Kenyatta
European Development Days - Bilateral Meeting Ban Ki-Moon
Secretary General, United Nations Uhuru Kenyatta and
President and Commander-in-chief of the Defence Forces, Republic of Kenya

HM Mathilde, the Queen of Belgians
Village EDD - Visit of H.M. Queen Mathilde of the Belgians

eudevdays 2016
20160615 - Brussels , Belgium - 2016 June 15th - European Development Days - Illustration picture © European Union

European Development Days Registration desk
European Development Days - Registration desk Signaletique Signs

Journée du déceloppement Debate room
European Development Days - Habillage des Debate room

Bilateral Meeting
Brussels , Belgium - 2016 June 15th - European Development Days - Bilateral Meeting

eudevdays 2016
Brussels , Belgium - 2016 June 15th - European Development Days - Illustration picture

EDD16 Auditorium
Foto call de 100m² pour les auditoriums

JDD Village
European Development Days - Stand decoration

Edd 2016 catalogue
impression des catalogues pour les visiteurs et conférenciers

JDD – EDD 2016 signaletique
Signalétique de l'événement European Dev days

JDD – EDD 2016 Her Majesty Mathilde the Queen of Belgians
European Development Days - Visit of Her Majesty Mathilde the Queen of Belgians © European Union

JDD – EDD 2016 the Queen of Belgians
European Development Days - Special address from Her Majesty Mathilde the Queen of Belgians - HM Mathilde, the Queen of Belgians © European Union

JDD – EDD 2016
European Development Days - Arrivals - Ban Ki-Moon - Secretary General, United Nations © European Union